How you can help:
Let’s work together to stop this crazy project and protect Wayland. Please send an email to join our list for updates and alerts:
Donate to cover the cost of our attorney and experts to defeat this aggressive
plan. Unfortunately, the developer-friendly 40B law requires residents to pay for experts and testimony - and an attorney to defend us in 40B hearings.
Please click here to donate today.
Send letters to the Wayland Town Crier and the Patch: Our local papers cover Town issues and welcome your letters. For the Crier, contact Michael Wyner: mwyner@wickedlocal.com and for the Patch: Tips@Patch.com
Send letters to the Wayland Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission and Board of Selectmen: Simple ‘old style’ letters are very effective and become part of the legal record. Here is the mailing address: (Board name), Wayland Town Building, 41 Cochituate Road, Wayland MA 01778, and email addresses:
For the ZBA: zba@wayland.ma.us
Conservation Commission: lhansen@wayland.ma.us
(Linda Hansen, Administrator)
Board of Selectmen: landerson@wayland.ma.us
(Lea Anderson, Chair)
Add your name to our letters to Town boards, Commonwealth departments, etc. Just send us an email and say, "Add my name!" (Drafts are circulated to everyone for review before they are sent, so you can suggest changes -- or remove your name if you disagree with the content.)
Put a sign on your lawn: Our “Monster” signs are spreading across town. This is an effective way to advertise our concerns and build support, just like a political campaign. Send us an email and we will deliver one.
Attend every 40B hearing! If we do not show up, the developer will win.
A crowd makes an impact on Wayland committees. They can see the level
of community support right in front of them: you will be ‘voting by attending.’ The developer’s staff will be paid to attend. We all have to make a personal commitment.​