How big? Huge. The developer, Steven Zieff, wants to build a concrete apartment complex that would be the tallest and most massive building in Wayland -- larger than Wayland High School, our Town Building or the Super Stop 'n Shop in Town Center. It would be the largest building along Route 20 for 35 miles, from Worcester to Watertown:
Let's look at a 'before' and 'after' view from the air of the former Mahoney's Garden Center -- replaced by Zieff's new 40B Monster. Here is how the site
looks today; note the size of the buildings compared to nearby homes:
... and here is how Zieff's Monster V2 would appear, towering four stories
over adjacent Wayland neighborhoods:
Not a hint of New England charm!
The developer? Steven Zieff, founder and owner of Eden Management.
If you review his website ( http://edenmanagementinc.com ) it may appear
that Eden Management is a large company with a team of experts who built many significant projects. We did some research. Turns out that almost all
of the projects on his site were built by other companies Zieff previously worked for. For example: http://baystonedevelopment.com/projects/ It is unclear how many employees Eden Management actually has, if any.
The plan? Steven Zieff submitted his final '40B Comprehensive Permit' app
on 25 July, 2017. Click here to view a copy of his first application. At the ZBA hearing in December, 2017, Zieff unveiled a completely new plan -- which required the ZBA, Town departments, ProtectWayland and our experts to launch a new round of costly and time-consuming reviews. Click here to view Zieff's new Version 2 site and building plan.
Important note: This application launched the fast and developer-friendly 40B clock. The first hearing was on Tuesday, 22 August and must be completed within 210 days -- including every issue, building size, traffic, environmental problems, impact on Camp Chickami, impact on Wayland home values etc. Please check our website for the latest schedule.
The site: This property totals 6.49 acres with a nice location on Route 20.
The size is deceiving, however, because Pine Brook runs right through it
on the south side. See the map below. The edge of the lot is outlined in purple. The actual size of Pine Brook is shown in blue. You can see why there are significant environmental issues -- because the 'buildable' part of the lot is so close to Pine Brook:
Construction area: Zieff's huge apartment complex is squeezed onto the lot, which pushed the septic leach fields to the back corner, closer to Pine Brook and the wettest part of the property. Excavation and construction will occur within a few feet of Pine Brook in many areas -- as close as 2 feet. This would be much closer than the 200' Massachusetts Rivers Act setback and 100' Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act setback, which are designed to protect sensitive areas. Pine Brook is a perfect example, the #1 stream for native Eastern Brook Trout in the entire Boston Metrowest area. Yes, #1.