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Major Problems With This 40B Apartment Complex:
More traffic in the worst location:
The commute on Route 20 is glacial. This short section of Route 20 has unusual traffic jams -- crowded when people visit Temple Shir Tikva and
the Islamic Center of Boston, pick up / drop off kids at Camp Chickami, Carriage House and customers at PrimeBar Grill.
120 new cars in the same 1/3 mile will add traffic
in the worst possible location. Everyone in Wayland
will be affected. More traffic will be pushed to
Glezen Lane, Route 117, Route 30, Plain Road,
Concord Road and Old Sudbury Road.
Health risk to our kids at YMCA Camp Chickami: This apartment complex will create 3.85 million gallons of sewage every year - equal to an entire Wayland neighborhood in one location. The water table on the site is high so viruses and bio contamination will flow down into Pine Brook,
which runs through the property. A few hundred
feet away? Camp Chickami where Wayland kids
play in the Brook and pools every summer. Is this
the right place for millions of gallons of sewage?
Click here to read the new letter from the YMCA.
Environmental risks: Pine Brook runs through the
Mahoney site, one of two 'cold water' streams in
Wayland and home to native brook trout. Pine Brook
connects to the Sudbury River and Great Meadows
National Wildlife Refuge --1 mile to the west in
Wayland. Both are home to endangered species,
and both are nationally protected resources for
everyone in Massachusetts. Is this a good location
for 3.85 million gallons of sewage contamination,
every year?
Route 9 comes to Wayland: Do you like the look of Route 9 in Framingham?
If so, you will love this addition to Wayland -- it would be more massive than Wayland High School or the Super Stop & Shop, taller than the Walmart in Framingham, and looks like a concrete office building on Route 9:
Here is a comp of the west side, towering above homes in the area:
Damage to Wayland neighborhoods and home values: If you live near this big apartment complex, will it improve or harm the value of your home? This massive development will harm Wayland for generations. The developer will profit but you and Wayland will lose.
Another aggressive 40B project: The developer is using 40B (of course!)
to ram this project through -- ignoring Wayland zoning regulations.