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Major Environmental Problems:

  1. Size of this huge apartment complex vs the small size of the site:
    The developer wants to construct the largest building in Wayland and the largest building on Route 20 from Worcester to Watertown -- on a small lot, and Pine Brook runs right through it.  (See the maps below.)  There is no way to build and operate such a large development next to Pine Brook without damaging the Brook, adjacent wetlands and everything downstream.


  2. Why is Pine Brook special?   

(a) Pine Brook is the #1 stream for native Eastern Brook Trout in the entire
Boston Metrowest area
according to Massachusetts Fisheries & Wildlife.
This is a unique and valuable resource that Wayland should be proud of
and must protect. 

(b) Pine Brook is one of only two 'cold water' streams in Wayland
, which means that it supports a wide range of plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals -- including native brook trout. Endangered species have been documented upstream and down, so they probably live in Pine Brook too.  Click on the link below to watch an amazing video of brook trout in Pine Brook, filmed by Wayland resident Scott Sweeney:


(c)  Pine Brook connects to the Sudbury River and Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge one mile downstream in Wayland.  The Monster apartment complex will impact significant, nationally protected resources. 

3. Huge amount of sewage:

     This apartment complex will create 3.85 million gallons of sewage every year,      equivalent to 32 million pounds, all in one location.  It is difficult to picture how
     massive this is.  Imagine the volume of 20 New England Aquariums or the
     weight of 80 Boeing 747-400s, all stacked on the small Mahoney's lot -- year
     after year.  The water table on the site is high so contamination will flow
     downslope into Pine Brook and Camp Chickami, into the protected Sudbury
     River and Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.  Both are home to
     endangered species. 
Is this the right place for 32 million pounds of sewage?

4. Runoff and more pollution:

    All of the runoff from storms and melting snow will flow into Pine Brook,      
    including salt-laden runoff from the driveways, parking areas and garage.
    Warm runoff from the large roof will be also flow into Pine Brook -- a major
    problem for a cold water stream where Eastern Brook Trout and other species
    cannot live or spawn/breed in water that is slightly warmer.


5. Floods:

    Do you remember Wayland's Great Flood of 2010?  FEMA Flood Zone A  
    extends into the Mahoney lot and Wayland's 100 year flood zone covers most 
    of the property.  The underground parking garage and large septic leach
    fields are close to Pine Brook and will be exposed to flooding and erosion,
    which would release large amounts of hydrocarbons and bio contamionation
    into the stream.  Note:  Zieff's plans DO NOT include any analysis of these
    flood zones, the impact on septic fields, the garage and building etc.  Zieff
    refused to deliver a standard FEMA flood zone study, which was requested
    by the ZBA and required by state law and regulations! 


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